All payments made via a credit card will be charged a 4% processing fee.
All payments made via eCheck will be charged a 1% processing fee. If returned, a $5 banking fee will be applied.
Each Hunterdon Hoosiers, Inc. (DBA United Basketball and Hunterdon Hoops) event has its own refund policy, stated below. Additional information may be included on each event’s registration page. Be sure to read and understand our policies carefully before submitting your registration.
- Roster deposits are non-refundable.
- No refunds will be granted after you season payment and/or season deposit is made.
- No refunds will be issued to AAU members in regard to missed events (practices, games, etc) or playing time.
- If a player receives a scholarship then raises a higher amount (via our Shoot-a-Thon) than owed (after scholarship funds applied), the total scholarship award will be lowered accordingly.
- Players that sustain season-ending injuries will receive a prorated refund at Hunterdon Hoosiers’ discretion.
- If a player is removed from a team, a pro-rated refund may be issued. The determination and amount is at Hunterdon Hoosiers’ discretion.
- If a player willingly leaves a team (quits), no refund will be granted in addition to:
- All balances must be paid in full within two weeks of notification.
- If the player received any scholarship award or prearranged discount, both will be voided and the full season fees will be due.
- If the player placed an apparel order, it will be held until the balance is paid. If not paid, the payment for the apparel order will be applied to the season fees balance.
- If the player raises funds via our Shoot-a-Thon, all funds will be retained.
- If the player has a payment plan setup (and does not pay the season fees within two weeks of quitting), the payment plan will continue until the season fees are paid.
- Open balances will be submitted to a collection agency at the conclusion of the season.
Program fees are due prior to the start of the program. Players will not be allowed to participate with an open balance.
If you file a Refund Request Form 14 days prior to the start of your registered program, a full refund will be processed. Refunds must be requested via our Refund Request Form as no other methods will be accepted. No refunds will be issued within 14 days of the start of the program due to the planning and hiring of staff.
Exemption: Refunds will be issued only for injured players and/or players with medical issues. A Refund Request Form must be completed with an accompanying medical note. Refund Requests Forms stating medical reasons will not be accepted without a doctor's note. Refund Request Forms must also be submitted within 14 days of the last day of the program. No refunds will be accepted after 14 days.
There will be no refunds granted for a team(s) canceling within 7 days of the tournament start date - NO EXCEPTIONS. If the schedule has been released and another team is not found to play in your teams' slots, an additional $100 will be charged for each game missed. Any team that does not show up for any of its scheduled games will be automatically be charged $100 per game missed. Any team that leaves prior to the conclusion of its game will be automatically charged $100 per game missed.
Private or Semi-Private Lesson cancellations must be done 24 hours prior to the scheduled lesson. Lessons canceled within 24 hours will not be refunded and/or will be invoiced if not paid yet. Small Group Workout cancellations must be done 4 hours prior to the scheduled workout. Workouts canceled within 4 hours will not be refunded and/or will be invoiced if not paid yet. Team Training or Traveling Clinic cancellations
must be done 24 hours prior to the scheduled event. Events canceled within 24 hours will be refunded and/or invoiced at 50% of the agreed upon cost.